Tuesday, June 01, 2021



Sue Lenz said...

Pleased to see your posting today, I was starting to worry about you Jim, No posting since May 23.2021. Regards, Sue.

Jerry Cash said...

Glad to have you back, Jim.

Mr.Lee said...

you bet !

Down the Road by Jim said...

Hi ------ just to set the record straight ------ Picasa and firefox are the units I have been using since The Shaz set it all up for me 13/14 years ago !Last week we got a new computer ( that does every thing except lights up , and says " Howdy"!!) Then over the weekend we were scammed !!!! New computer , it all looked legit , and we were done out of some money !! We even got to talk to the scammer ( Not knowing it at the time ) and he had all the answers ----- due to the volume , work was being outsourced to his company !This guy was really good at what he did ----- in any event , our tech support guy got us all set up , and now ready again to move forward !Any idea woe many pictures are in folders that we're trying to move over to the new outfit ?????? Figger at least 10 a day for the time I've been doing this !!!AND , I'm not to sure about Google Chrome having a blog setup like I had on Firefox !! This is going to take some time to see if I can even duplicate this blog on Chrome !Good luck to me !!!!! Check back every so often ! Jim